Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Released pip-webui-tasks version 1.0.0

Pip.WebUI team is happy to announce the first version of pip-webui-tasks

That project provides a complete build system for web projects. Conceptually it is similar to maven or gradle. It uses gulp as the task engine and provides standard tasks for:
  • Building project artifacts: javascript, typescript, less, resources, etc.
  • Testing with eslint, lesslint, jasmine/karma
  • Generating API documentation
  • Working with samples
  • Supporting Cordova builds
  • Publishing application releases

Project build configuration is stored in build.config.js located in the project root folder. In addition to the standard declarative tasks you can mix your own gulp tasks in a single gulpfile.

We are using pip-webui-tasks as the build system across all pip-webui projects. Check it out at https://github.com/pip-webui/pip-webui-tasks

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Welcome to Pip.WebUI Team Blog!

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your interest in Pip.WebUI and welcome to Pip.WebUI team blog!

We believe that HTML5 technology is the best platform for complex enterprise applications. It allows to write application once and run it on pretty much any platform that enterprise users may have: Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS. It brings great cost savings to software vendors. But there is no free lunch. Although, there are many great HTML5 libraries and frameworks exist on the market, building complex enterprise apps is a challenging task. There is a long way from getting simple controls like a button or a list and creating applications with hundreds of screens that handle large datasets and implement complex interactions. Pip.WebUI was intended to close that gap by putting a UX concept targeted toward enterprise apps and implementing higher-level primitives to simplify implementation of typical scenarios that follow that concept.

The current implementation is done using popular frameworks - AngularJS and Angular Material controls. But, we know that web technologies are quickly become obsolete. WebComponents and Angular 2 is showing up on the horizon already. We see that rapid changes in technologies will continue to be the case in the future. That's quite bad for enterprise systems, because their development takes a lot of effort. The fact that they will become obsolete in 1-2 years and won't customers won't perceive them as "modern" is not good. If this project "sticks" we are going to continue our work and planning to implement new version on modern technologies as well as providing clear migration path to modernize enterprise applications for fraction of cost.

We are happy to hear what do you think about this project.  And will try our best to answer any questions and address any issues that will arise. Please, feel free to post your thoughts and your questions to Pip.WebUI discussion forum!

Pip.WebUI development team